On 6 September, Alianza Shire participated in the 5th International Conference on Solar Technologies and Hybrid Mini-Grids to Improve Energy Access, held in Palma de Mallorca and organized by the University of the Balearic Islands.
Sonia Ramos, an international expert in solar energy and energy access, coordinator of Alianza Shire’s Technical Office at itdUPM, and PhD candidate specializing in electrical cooking, presented the summary of a scientific paper detailing the Operation and Maintenance Management Models for mini-grids in refugee camps and their host communities. Her presentation centered on Alianza Shire’s project in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia.
In her talk, Ramos explained that the purpose of the solar mini-grid currently being installed is to provide a sustainable energy supply for 16 communal services in the Kobe refugee camp (Dollo Ado) and its host communities. She detailed the mini-grid’s management model, which aims to ensure that the energy supply to community services is not only sufficient but also reliable, of high quality, convenient, affordable, legal, healthy, and sustainable in the long term.
Key Actors and the importance of synergy
The management model developed by Alianza Shire, now in the implementation phase, is based on the principles of energy communities. This multi-stakeholder collaboration aims to harness renewable energy resources for the community, benefiting them environmentally and socially.
En este modelo de entrega un Comité de Dirección, formado por todos los beneficiarios directos (entidades gestoras de los servicios comunitarios), supervisa y garantiza la correcta ejecución de la iniciativa. El Refugee & Returnee Service (RRS) (la oficina del gobierno etíope encargada de proteger a los refugiados y coordinar la asistencia en toda Etiopía) es el propietario tanto de la minirred como del terreno donde se localiza y miembro del comité de dirección y delega la operación y mantenimiento a una Cooperativa Energética local. Esta cooperativa, a su vez, es la encargada de mantener el sistema y de gestionar el uso de la energía y los pagos solidarios del coste de mantenimiento y operación por parte de los beneficiarios directos, operando mediante una entidad financiera que facilita la administración de recursos, asegurando así un suministro energético sostenible y accesible para las comunidades beneficiadas.
In this model, a Steering Committee composed of direct beneficiaries (community service providers) oversees the project’s implementation. The Refugee & Returnee Service (RRS) —the Ethiopian government agency responsible for protecting refugees and coordinating assistance across the country— owns both the mini-grid and the land, participates in the Steering Committee, and delegates operation and maintenance responsibilities to a local Energy Cooperative. This cooperative manages the system, including maintaining operations and collecting solidarity payments for maintenance and operational costs from the direct beneficiaries. By involving a financial entity to manage resources, the model ensures a sustainable and accessible energy supply for the communities served.
Ramos emphasized that engaging a diverse array of stakeholders requires addressing potential risks and challenges, especially given that this type of project is pioneering in the region.
Challenges and Solutions
To tackle the challenges ahead —such as training technical and management personnel, securing funding, and establishing infrastructure— Alianza Shire conducted an in-depth assessment of factors like stakeholder capabilities and local regulatory requirements.
This groundwork allowed them to develop a preliminary model clearly defining roles and responsibilities. After validating the proposed model and identifying possible risks, an energy monitoring system and a context-specific Operation and Maintenance Plan were created. Agreements were formalized between parties, focusing on measures to mitigate risks based on their potential impact.
Through these steps, Alianza Shire has been able to outline and implement a model designed to ensure long-term sustainability.